In order to implement EinsWeiter we founded a non-profit organisation in November 2015, which is also charitable.
EinsWeiter was founded by eleven people who are of different ages and countries of origin, some of whom have a disability. We all share a vision to create a place of communication that feels safe, appreciative and guarantees equal rights and self-determination. Last but not least it offers work opportunities.
There are many ways to support us:
- Become a member of our association
- Play an active part by participating with your own ideas and competencies and man*woman-power. Contact us: info@eins-weiter.net
- Give a donation:
Eins Weiter e.V.
GLS-Bank Bochum
IBAN: DE70 4306 0967 2059 5507 00
This non-profit organisation is registered with the »Finanzamt Lüchow (finance office in Lüchow)«. We can give you a donation receipt.